Publications on newcomers and hospitality
Felder, M. (2024) Beyond support or exploitation: inequality and reciprocity in informal housing arrangements between newcomers and their migrant hosts. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-18.
Open Access
Felder, M. & Stavo-Debauge, J. (à paraitre) Les intimations de l’intimité en situation d’hospitalité. De la difficulté d’habiter chez autrui pour les personnes migrantes, SociologieS
Open Access
Felder, M. & Pattaroni, L. (2024) Subaltern Housing Policies: Accommodating Migrant Workers in Wealthy Geneva. European Urban and Regional Studies, 31(4), 360-374.
Open Access
Felder, M., Fneich, S. & Stavo-Debauge, J. (2023) Social workers and irregular migrants in the assistance circuit: making sense of paradoxical inclusion. Social Inclusion, 11(3), 116-127.
Open Access
Fneich, S., Felder, M. & Stavo-Debauge, J. (2023) Faire du sur-place sans jamais pouvoir prendre place : l’interminable arrivée de jeunes maghrébins sans-papiers à Genève, Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 39(2-3).
Open Access
Stavo-Debauge, J., Felder, M. & Pattaroni, L. (2022). L’hospitalité urbaine au risque de la contagion. [en ligne]
Open Access
Felder, M., Stavo-Debauge, J., Pattaroni, L., Trossat, M. & Drevon, G. (2020) Between Hospitality and Inhospitality: The Janus-faced ‘Arrival Infrastructure’. Urban Planning, 5(3), 55-66.
Open Access