Neighbours and neighbourhood relations
Felder, M., Favre, F., Tulin, M. & Koutsolampros, P. (2023) Acquaintances or familiar strangers? How similarity and spatial proximity shape neighbour relations within residential buildings. Housing, Theory & Society, 40(5), 642-659.
Open Access
Felder, M. (2021) Familiarity as a practical sense of place. Sociological Theory, 39(3), 180-199.
Felder, M. (2020) Strong, Weak and Invisible Ties: A Relational Perspective on Urban Coexistence. Sociology, 54(4), 675–692.
Felder, M. (2018). Who are the strangers? In Divercities: Understanding super diversity in deprived and mixed neighbourhoods. Bristol: Policy Press. 25–46
Felder, M., & Pignolo, L. (2018). Shops as the bricks and mortar of place identity. In Moving Cities–Contested Views on Urban Life. Wiesbaden: Springer. 97-114
Felder, M. (2020) La Fête des voisins : un rituel conjuratoire ? Métropolitiques [en ligne]
Open Access
Felder, M., & Pignolo, L. (2018). "Je préfère les dealers à une rue déserte": coexistence et familiarisation en milieu urbain. Sociologie, 9(1), 1-18.
Felder, M. (2016). La diversité sur le palier. Catégorisations ordinaires d’un voisinage hétérogène à Genève. Lien social et Politiques, (77), 220-239.
Open Access